Friday, September 21, 2012

Especially the Household of Faith

Question in Theologue's Roundtable, a Facebook group:

In Galatians 6:10, "Do good to everyone, especially those of the household of faith", is emphasis put on doing good to all, or on focusing on believers?

I think that the love has to do with prioritization. We are to love all, which is not just an attitude but an action and in giving. Its easiest to see in giving. We are to love everyone, but none of us have enough resources to meet everyone's need. So we prioritize. First, we provide for our families. If we have more (and almost all of us do), then we provide for ministers of the word (Gal 6:6). If we have more, we provide for those in our community of faith (Gal 6:10). If we do-- and most of us do-- then we provide for those outside the faith. Often it is difficult to tell the difference between someone in the faith and out-- after all, the woman holding the sign at the end of the ramp could be a believer or might not, or she may be an angel testing you. So it's best to give if you don't know. This goes the same with time and gospel and compassion and comfort... ect. 
The problem with the church is that we often lavish our resources on just a few, which means that we are constantly leaving others out of the love we have to give. We give love, but only to our family or congregation. Few will believe in God's grace unless we take the time to show them God's grace.

I got two "likes" for this answer, which is okay.

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