Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Poor of Jesus

On Facebook the question was asked: "Are the beatitudes really talking about the economically 'poor'? And if they are, is it all the poor? Does every poor person obtain the kingdom of God?"

"Poor" in the beatitudes should certainly be taken literally. This is why it is combined with words like "mourning" and "hungry" and "hungry and thirsty for justice" and "meek". And it is in opposition to the "rich". Even "poor in spirit" means those who has an attitude like the poor. (see Proverbs 16:19)

However, we must be clear that the context doesn't allow us to say that it is about ALL poor people, regardless of action. In Luke 6 Jesus is speaking to his disciples when he says "Blessed are YOU that are poor; Woe to YOU that are rich"-- He is distinguishing among his own disciples those who surrender their possessions and those who keep them for their own personal use (Luke 14:33; Luke 12:33). In Matt. 5, the poor, the mourning and the meek are blessed, but so are the merciful, the peacemakers, the pure in heart. In other words, Jesus is narrowing the field even more. Those who own the kingdom are not only those who have suffered as the outcast in this life, but those who, in the midst of that suffering, acted like Jesus in His mercy for others.

In general, God isn't interested in helping people who don't need it, or don't THINK they need the help.  God is offering salvation.  What is that salvation?

A kingdom for the poor
Comfort for the weeping from oppression
Land for the meek
Justice for those desiring justice
God's presence for those whose purity isn't seen
Mercy for those who show mercy
Leadership for those who create peace
Deliverance for the persecuted

For those who don't desperately seek the salvation of God won't get it.  Those who desperately need it and seek it and demand it, will.

This means God's kingdom is for the poor and needy and outcast more than anyone else.

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