Friday, September 14, 2012

Words Mean Things

"Islam" means "submission to God."

To submit to God is to submit to God's judgment.  To trust in God's will.  To not take judgment or vengeance into one's own hands.

Some Muslims-- "submitted ones"-- trust in God that much.  Some who claim the title of "submission" do not.

"Christian" means "devoted to Christ", namely Jesus, whom both the Qur'an and the New Testament names the Messiah.

One who is devoted to Christ will enact the words of Christ and will follow the example of Christ.  Jesus commanded those who are devoted to him to "Love your enemies."  You cannot kill your enemies and love them at the same time.

Jesus commanded all, "Don't judge by appearances, but judge with a right judgement."  He doesn't want us to look at those who claim to be Christians or who claim to be Muslims and to take their claims as accurate. Rather, he wants us to look at a person's actions and a person's words-- whether merciful or hateful-- and to see with accuracy whether they are truly submitted, truly devoted.

Let us not blame all "Christians" for what is done in the name of Christianity.  Let those truly devoted to Jesus represent Christians.

Let us not blame all "Muslims" for what is done in the name of Islam.  Let those truly submitted to God represent Islam.

And let God be the judge of the rest, who will judge all men according to their deeds.  

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